My life is like my soup: an attempt to mesh seemingly disparate flavours into something palatable. I hope you enjoy this kooking show :-P

Friday, August 3, 2007

Alien induction

So, for the past couple of weeks I've kind of lost touch with humanity and with my body, caught up in pursuits of the mind. Because of this, I've been feeling a little alien ... so it's only logical that I would be attracted to crop circles. My attention was drawn to them when I saw a poster for a movie about them, which I did not attend, but which caught my eye because of the neat geometric design. So for artistic inspiration I did some research on crop circles, at first just looking at images of them. Then I recalled that about 6 years ago saw a TV show where the "secret" of the crop circles was revealed; all along it had been a group called The Circle Makers who had been making the crop circles with some wood boards and some string. So I visited their web site for the first time recently and found some interesting stories and philosophical musings. I also discovered that they have published a book on their experiences in circle-making, which includes a guide on how to make them yourself. I really appreciate how they are sharing their artform with others. I'm not sure if I'd ever want to make crop circles out of respect for the farmers and their riches; they have it bad enough already. However, I am interested in plotting their images digitally and I'm sure I could gain a lot of inspiration from their publication; here's a little sample of some designs I have reproduced already using a combination of my pLAySVG libraries and Inkscape:

I'm interested in eventually turning this running series of crop circle images into another "space mobil" called "The Mobility of Serial Reversibility", this time the images printed on either side of a circle, where the black and white fills are reversed on the other side as in the Hypnotic Reversibles. The first "space-mobil" I have created is a mobil of the Platonic Solids polyhedra designs I have created. This piece, entitled "aLaMental Mobility" I'm making into lanterns that will be featured at the Lumiere festival; here's the faces with their corresponding 3D shapes:

Spirit - Dodecahedron

Fire - Tetrahedron

Air - Octahedron

Earth - Cube

Water - Icosahedron

So, from LaLa Land, to MaMa Land, I'm learning to make the ideal real. Now to get back to what's in between, the HuMin Land...

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