Returning the focus
Recently (this Monday) I decided to take a break from all intoxicants aside from green caffene (Yerba Mate being my prefered) for a month because it I felt like they were interfering with me achieving my goals and realizing my intentions. Particularly, there are a bunch of things I've kind of dropped the ball on, including (in no particular order):
- spiritual practice (i.e. meditation, yoga)
- organizing a community skills exchange network in the area where I live
- creating community around Creative Commons, Free Software, and Free Culture, through invovement with ArtEngine and the creation of a CC Salon
- my graphics scripting project and related artistic creations
- getting my performance act together
- finding opportunities to earn more money
There's so many things in life that I can put energy into to make me feel good that, really, I should have no problem leading a more "pure" life. I've already notice since the beginning of the week that I have been getting more out of these things. For example, the last two yoga classes I have taken have given me an incredible buzz; I've even been getting these fantastic visuals when I close my eyes. Also, my circus arts practice have been much more focused as well.
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