My life is like my soup: an attempt to mesh seemingly disparate flavours into something palatable. I hope you enjoy this kooking show :-P

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Minu: R.I.P.

Recently our cat, Minu, was picked up in the streets by some stranger and brought to the humane society, where after only 3 days of holding, she was euthanized. We know of this because my room mate recieved the info from the humane society when she put in a report. We had noticed that Minu was gone, of course, but did not respond in time. This was very upsetting to our household. Minu is often outside in our neighbourhood, so anyone in our area should have known that she has a home. And as mentioned by our neighbours, people should know a stray cat when they see one because they are scraggly and not very friendly to strangers. Argghhh, the nerve of this "vigalante pound" person ! If only the humane society would have given us their info (they refused), we could have set their head straight. So, lesson of this story: don't go picking up random cats in the streets and throwing them to the humane society !

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