My life is like my soup: an attempt to mesh seemingly disparate flavours into something palatable. I hope you enjoy this kooking show :-P

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Free Software University, where are you ?

I sure wish that my university taught me something about Free Software development. In fact, I wish there was a whole university dedicated to advancing the Free exchange of software and media. A university where students actually contributed to the richness of the internet rather than doing usless exercises. I say this because I'm having to lean this on my own -- mind you, I feel well-adapted to autodidactic modes -- but these are important skills that "industry" as well as hobby programmers like myself need to know.

On a related note, Right now people are currently working on building The New University Co-operative. I went to one of their meetings to pitch the idea of having a media lab that ran on Free Software, and that facilitated the development of open content, but my presentation was a little bit premature given the stage of development they are at. I'm going to keep dreaming about this kind of thing, but before I can even decide if I want to commit to making that kind of thing happen, I need to get rid of the debt chains of the Old University Profiteers.

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