My life is like my soup: an attempt to mesh seemingly disparate flavours into something palatable. I hope you enjoy this kooking show :-P

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Healthy food for kids

A week ago I was in Mark Laham's Yin Yoga class and I was really feeling it quite intensely, but what gave me and even stronger and longer-lasting emotion was something that he said about the youth of today and their unhealthy lifestyles when he was talking about his attempts at teaching some teenage boys . I'm not really exposed to these children who have grown up in what I consider a "toxic culture" very often anymore, so it's not in my face very much, but I often feel this extrordinary weight of knowing just how unhealthy our society has become. With recent stories in the CBC news like School food not making the grade, says report I think it's pretty obvious that the toxic culture has run wild. One of my goals in life is to share information and practices with youth that are healthy and empowering (i.e. the circus arts and eventually, yoga).

Healthy food is and interest of mine as well, and I feel blessed have had parents that were health-concious. So, when I saw the episode of one of my favourite podcasts ever, Deconstructing Dinner, entitled Organic Daycare, I excitedly queued it up as the soundtrack to my dish-washing session. I was quite enspired by the featured initiatives (described on the page), especially that of the Alligator Pie Preschool program, where young children were taught how to grow organic vegetables, and how to cook them, with guests from various cultures explaining how to cook the dishes from their respective homelands. Ahhh, I love it ! It's very much akin to this idea I had of creating some internet videos where I would be a kooky character that would teach kids how to cook healthy meals. Due to my high standards, I've decided to put this one on the back burner, so to speak, until I learn more about acting (and cooking), but it may just bubble up in the future.

But for now: parents and caregivers, if you're looking for a great place to introduce your kids to healthy food, the Simply Raw Potlucks are very child-friendly place to start, and the next one is a Halloween costume party !

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